Shake Sugaree

Written by Elizabeth Cotten
Performed live by Bob Dylan 7 times in 1996 and 1997
Tabbed by Eyolf Østrem

E                                 E7
I got a secret, and I ain't gonna tell
A                                  E
I'm going to Heaven in a split pea shell
A                      E         A
Oh Lordy me, didn't we shake sugaree
E            B       A       E
Everything I have is down in pawn.
I pawned my watch, and I pawned my chain
I even tried to sell myself, but I got down so ashamed

I've got a song to sing, and it's not very long
I'm gonna sing it right, if it takes me all night long.

I got a secret, and I ain't gonna tell
I'm going to Heaven in a split pea shell.

Different version (Cotten's own?) with additional verses not sung by Dylan

I have a little song, won't take long
Sing it right, once or twice
Oh lord oh me, didn't I shake sugaree
Everythiny I got is done in pawn (2x)

I pawned my watch, pawned my chain
Pawned everything that was in my name

I pawned my buggy, house and cot
Pawned everything that was on my lot

I pawned my chair, I pawned my bed
Don't have nowhere to lay my head

I have a little secret I ain't gonna tell
I'm goin' to heaven in a ground pea shell

I pawned my house, I've pawned my home
Pawned everything that I own

I pawned my tobacco, I pawned my pipe
Pawned everything that was in my sight

I know something, I ain't gonna tell
I'm goin' to heaven and I ain't goin' to ...

I pawned my hat, I pawned my shoes
Pawned everything that I could use

I chew my tobacco, spit my juice
I would raise cain but it ain't no use