By Curtis Mayfield
Played by Bob Dylan during The Basement Tapes sessions (1967),
and released on the promo EP for Renaldo and Clara (1976/78)
Tabbed by Eyolf Østrem
Same chord progression repeated throughout. The lyrics aren't always decipherable, mainly because Dylan doesn't quite remember them. Which makes this a wonderful proof of his ability to improvise on the spot.
Bb Gm Eb Bb People get ready, there's a train a comin' picking up passengers coast to coast All you need is faith to hear the diesels a-hummin' [...] among the loved the most. People get ready for that train to Jordan picking up passengers [...] All you need is faith to hear those diesels a-hummin' Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord There ain't no roomfor the hopeless sinner Who would hurt all mankind just to save his own Have pity on those whose chances get slimmer For there's no hiding place among the Kingdom's throne So people get ready, there's a train a-comin' don't need no baggage, you just get on board All you need is faith to hear the diesels a-hummin' Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord [D: "remember this one"]
C (/e) F C People get ready, there's a train a comin' F C You don't need no baggage, you just get on board F C All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin' Am F C Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord People get ready for the train to Jordan picking up passengers from coast to coast Faith is the key, open the doors and board 'em There's hope for all among those loved the most. There ain't no roomfor the hopeless sinner Who would hurt all mankind just to save his own Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner For there's no hiding place against the Kingdom's throne So people get ready, there's a train a comin' You don't need no baggage, you just get on board All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin' Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord