I Am The Man, Thomas

Written by Ralph Stanley and Larry Sparks
Performed by Bob Dylan during 1999 (various locations)
Lyrics transcribed by seabreez (based on Ralph Stanley's own version)
The two chords discovered by Eyolf Østrem
Thanks to Michael for supplies.

I am the Man, Thomas

I am the Man

Look at these nail scars
D          G
Here in my hand
They drove me up the hill, Thomas

I am the Man

They made me carry the cross, Thomas
D        G
I am the Man
I am the Man, Thomas
I am the Man
Look at these nail scars
Here in my hand
They crowned my head with thorns, Thomas
I am the Man
They nailed me to the cross, Thomas
I am the Man
I am the Man, Thomas
I am the Man
Look at these nail scars
Here in my hand
They pierced me in the side
I am the Man
I died on the cross, Thomas
I am the Man
I am the Man, Thomas
I am the Man
Look at these nails scars
Here in my hand
They buried me in the tomb, Thomas
I am the Man
In three days I rose, Thomas
I am the Man
I am the Man, Thomas
I am the Man
Look at these nails scars
Here in my hand

Dylan seems to have combined verse two and three into the following:

They pierced my side with thorns, Thomas
I am the Man 
They made me carry the cross, Thomas 
I am the Man

It's hard to work out exactly, though (Bob apparently thought so too). Suggestions for words instead of thorns are: forks, pork and, more plausible, swords. At one show the third line was, I believe, sung:

They drove me off a cliff, Thomas