Words by Robert Hunter; music by Jerry Garcia
As performed by Bob Dylan in Melbourne, Australia, Apr 6 1992
Tabbed by Eyolf Østrem
A truly remarkable example of Dylan's ability to get through a text that he only has a faint recollection of, and still giving the impression that something meaningful is going on. He gets the refrain fairly right, and a line or two from the original lyrics flash by, but apart from that there is no relation at all between what he sings and what Hunter wrote (or, for that matter between what he sings and what makes sense – in any language), but still, it's a very arresting performance of a very charming tune.
For these reasons I will – for once – completely disregard what Dylan sings, and use Hunter's lyrics for the tab. BTW, this was the last song that Jerry Garcia sang.
A Bm D A When the last rose of summer pricks my finger A Bm D And the hot sun chills me to the bone A Bm D A When I can't hear the song for the singer F#m E D And I can't tell my pillow from a stone
E A D A I will walk alone by the black muddy river F#m E D And sing me a song of my own E A D A I will walk alone by the black muddy river F#m E D And dream me a dream of my own
When the last bolt of sunshine hits the mountain And the stars start to splatter in the sky When the moon splits the southwest horizon With the scream of an eagle on the fly
I will walk alone by the black muddy river And listen to the ripples as they moan I will walk alone by the black muddy river And sing me a song of my own
Bm E Black muddy river A F#m Roll on forever E A Don't care how deep or wide E A If you got another side D C#m (or A/c#) Roll muddy river Bm(7) A Roll muddy river D E A Black muddy river roll
When it seems like the night will last forever And there's nothing left to do but count the years When the strings of my heart start to sever And stones fall from my eyes instead of tears
I will walk alone by the black muddy river And dream me a dream of my own I will walk alone by the black muddy river And sing me a song of my own And sing me a song of my own |: F#m . E . D . :| A