Ballad For A Friend

Words and music Bob Dylan
Recorded Jan 1962 as a Leeds Music demo
Tabbed by Eyolf Østrem

Open D tuning (D-A-d-f#-a-d'), capo 7th fret.

The interlude figure also appears in “Standing On The Highway”, recorded on the same occasion.


G      020100
D7     000330


G       D              G        D
Sad I'm sittin' on the railroad track
G             D
Watchin' that old smokestack
G                        D               D7  D
Train is a-leavin' but it won't be back.
  D7                            D
      :     .     .     .       :     .    
--3-|-----3-3---1-------------|-----0------  etc.
Years ago we hung around,
Watchin' trains roll through the town.
Now that train is a-graveyard bound.

Where we go up in that North Country,
Lakes and streams and mines so free,
I had no better friend than he.

Something happened to him that day,
I thought I heard a stranger say,
I hung my head and stole away.

A diesel truck was rollin' slow,
Pullin' down a heavy load.
It left him on a Utah road.

They carried him back to his home town,
His mother cried, his sister moaned,
Listin' to them church bells tone.